30 day risk free trial guarantee: All purchases made on SagaVault.com are covered with our 30 day risk free trial guarantee. Simply return the full contents of the purchase within 30 days of purchase date for a full refund, (shipping charges will apply and vary depending on shipping service used and are at the sole expense of the purchaser). All opened card packs are ineligible for refund or returns. All contents must be returned in original condition to be eligible for a refund.
Retail value estimation: Retail value of "up to $75+", and, "up to $115", is based on general availability to assemble the subscription box contents through a retail purchase setting. Boxes will vary in actual contents, estimated retail value, and actual retail value based on many factors. "Value" and "Retail Value" on any given card or cards are subject to market changes and conditions, geographical location, and overall market volatility. SagaVault makes no assertion or forecast for future value of any given card or card market condition. The retail value esitmates are based on the retail value information available on the date the box contents are assembled.
Every single card, certified or not, and every unopened pack that enters a SagaVault Box has passed our detailed Authenticity and Tampering Inspection Protocol.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions I fully acknowledge, understand, and agree to all of the above terms and conditions.